tisdag 20 december 2016

Working with pi remotely is setup and confusion starts with GPIO

I used dataplicity to connect and start a vncserver and then filezilla to transfer files, since the raspberrypi connected to the windows, doors, motiondetector, sound and light is stationary on the wall and there is no monitor there or a desk to sit at. It was troublesome since I had to start the vncserver with the right user.

Then I started the big journey to understand GPIO. There is just so much stuff I've looked at and going to look at some more tomorrow. I have no idea what signals comes from the connections or how to interact through python. I'm probably going to read up on the terminology and then ask a lot of questions.

Tomorrow, looking more at GPIO and try to get a python-program react to the input. Like print "now is window open in Andreas office"

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