måndag 19 december 2016

Sprint 1 started!

Today I've looked over the userstories with the boss (Andreas) and put them in a backlog. I estimated them roughly and let him prioritize the backlog.

I was very generous with time, since there are some things I just don't know how easy they are.

The first item prioritized was "Backup" which first I estimated to 5 storypoints. Which is rougly a day. That was a bit of an overestimation, at first I thought about version control, and some automatic saving on some server. But when we talked about it, it was enough with just a folder somewhere. I decided it to be on my google drive and that was that.

Next userstory was:

"As an owner of premises
I want the alarm to go off if a window/door opens or the motiondetector senses motion (when the alam is on)
Så that I know when someone enters"

This I first estimated to be almost a week of work. When I divided it into tasks, the time went down to half a week.

The red line is to long...

The first sprint will be until friday, so I might be done this first sprint with the very basics.

The hardest part was to connect the micro-SD card to the stationary raspberry pi. I couldn't see the backside where the connection was. After some fiddling, I googled to get precise location of the connection and realized it was regular SD for this version. -.-'

Tomorrow I'll be looking at how to work with it through the terminal and get filezilla to work nice. After that, I'm going to look at GPIO.

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