tisdag 6 december 2016

There is no IoT standard and bonus-work with php

Today I've been checking the news for perspectives on IoT. There is a lot about small things that can gain from IoT and that it is a growing phenomena to create connected devices. There is no bigger system to analyse the 'big data' that is coming in. Also the 'big data' could be bigger, but the information like gps on your phone or if your garagedoor is open isn't something that everyone wants to share. There is still work beeing done on a standard to connect everything.

I've also checked the bonus-work i got. It's on our server to see why the time-rapporting isn't working, and it seems to be because of old myslq-methods in php. I changed a bunch of them to get some things to work, it kind of works but you can't see stuff and I'm not sure you can upload stuff. It feels cool that I can figure out things so fast. There was a lot of files and I think I'll try using some kind of tool to change all the deprecated methods to new ones.

Short day today. See you tomorrow.

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