torsdag 1 december 2016

The internet of things! (IoT) and Öviks-problems

Today I've thought about the IoT and where I can find some problems to solve. I started to look at som inspirational videos and then thought to ask Övik if the city has any problems.

Let's talk about the internet of things first. It's an internet. But instead of just computers, everything is connected.

Your car can be connected to the internet of things.
Your cellphone is probably connected to the internet of things.
Your refigerator can be connected to the internet of things.

What's the point?

Connecting everything and making them talk to each other, changes everything...

A good introduction to IoT

More abstract and absolutely beautiful video of IoT

I think there is still so much to do. And the bulk of the work is figuring out what to connect, what problems it will solve and how to design systems that speak the same language, so they can actually solve problems.

I continued to look for trouble (hah), and thought of asking Öviks kommun. I saw on the website that the "comments and compliants" are open to the public, so I called to see how I could get at it. They where a step beyond! Apparently they recently implemented a system for users to report problems on the site that let's the user place a pin on a map and choose a category. This map is available on the site! I think this is really cool.

Maybe a good idea is to automatically analyse the complaints and send emails to the right parties directly. Also it you connect you car to IoT, it can automatically send a complaint if there is a slippery road that needs to be sanded! A car could totally figure out if it's driving on a slippery road... There are so many things that can be done. I just need to find that really good thing that everyone really needs.

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