Then I took a look at SPI on wikipedia and what it uses MISO, MOSI, CE and CLK for. They're connections on the R-pi.Documentation like a pro
I also started to document everything really neat. Since all this electronics and hardware close programming is very new to me and I can't learn fast enough or keep everything in the head, I needed to document somehow what I did. This helps me know:- what tutorials i used
- what I have done to the system, in what order
- what the problems where on the way
- how I've solved the problems
I made a folder called "Changes on R-pi" and made a document for each separate thing/user story I tried to get working. The picture shows 2 Tutorials and how I started using another tutorial after I got stuck with the first one.
- Title: title of tutorial
- Link: to tutorial
- commands done in linux (raspbian)
- Swedish text: Comments and guiding like "I didn't install 'wheezy' or 'Couldn't find the file, so I jumped to the next tutorial'
- Table: Error/result output messages
Ofcourse it migth take time to work like this but I think it's worth it in the long run. I will become a master of all of these things faster.
Digital oscilloscope
Me and Magnus used a digital oscilloscope to measure output and input on the SPI on the connections between R-pi and MCP2515.Larm at the top, connected to Oscilloscope to show graphs about SPI signals. My laptop remotely running SPI-scripts on the R-pi in the Larm at the top. |
The system uses CAN and connects to R-pi via the PCB right now. There are these cord converters from CAN to usb that we might use instead of the PCB. In a way it seems simpler.
Today I'm working from my home, noone is in the office. This gave me some time to do Falun gong but I can't work very well with the system. But I borrowed a R-pi home and am going to rehearse what I've done by setting it up just to try, read up on CANUSB and maybe try to communicate a bit differently to the PCB.
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