tisdag 17 januari 2017

See the matrix in the SPI data (troubleshooting)

The SPI data is fluctuating in a werid way. Today I spent the morning to get the SPI data to be shown live. I tried a bunch of tutorials to get tables and installed tabulate for python. In the end I had not time to get into ncurser to do this, so I just went around and opened windows and tried to 'see the matrix'.

I am drawing the conclusion that the system is supposed to show FF for a room if the windows are closed, and 00 if they are open. This works for some rooms but a specific can-card (210) is not showing acceptable data. I have no idea what 230 is suppose to show us and there are 4 values on 220 that's always 00. The four FF on 220 is working.

we decided to leave that card responsible for the 210 alone, at least for now. So I will develop the system and just ignore 210.

After lunch I focused on reading up on MySQL, making a table for the values and starting to plan the python-code for the r-pi.

Tomorrow I will probably just write a lot of very beautiful and newbie-friendly python-code. So it's easy for others to understand and build upon. After that, I will try to make it easy to install the whole system on an SD card, with everything there and document how to easily set up the system for any type of alarm. After that I will either look at making a website to constantly check if the r-pi is online, maybe an interface. And talk about sending SMS from server. Well let's not get ahead of ourselves.

I only have 2 weeks left here, I think I'll be able to program the r-pi and make a very simple server to check if the r-pi is online. Maybe I'll have time to send SMS, but email should be pretty easy.

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