onsdag 18 januari 2017

Python python python and creation of a general alarm-system

Today I've been pythoning all day. Made everything I've already done but in a general way. So that it's easily applyable for other types of alarms.

General setup so far:

So the system should just be copied to any type of alarm that uses CAN.

The only files that will need be changing (hopefully) is the txt-files containing alarms and user information along with alarm_specific_methods.py. The second one (alarm_specific_methods.py) will parse the incoming data from CAN_communication and read data from alarm-txt files. If there is some threshhold that is reached or triggered, then different methods are run in the lowest three py-files. A customer could choose to get an email for example. And if the customer would change email, it's very easy to change the email in the txt-file.

Some things might need chaning in CAN_communication or other files if there is some update somewhere or if the system is using a different kind of CAN-protocol or so. I don't really know that stuff yet.

Tomorrow, more python and focus on alarm_specific_methods and what Andreas want to happen and thressholds and stuff.

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