So today I've made it easier to program and change files on the raspberry pi (r-pi).
Be aware!
The only thing someone needs to hack a raspberry pi (with raspbian) is the ip.
ssh ftp is already installed on raspbian and the username and passwords are a set standard.
So the only thing you need to change files on it via ftp (sftp actually), is the ip-adress.
First I tried to use the terminal and be like the geeks i know. But that password I changed wasn't the right one.
But if you simply go via the GUI in raspbian you can set the one connected to sftp.
And then I just installed filezilla (client version) on my own computer and felt good about myself.
I made an MySQL database on our domain, something, hoster. When I wrote a program to access it, it wouldn't work!
_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (2003, "Can't connect to MySQL server on 'xx.xxx.x.xxx' (10060)")
Python program:
import MySQLdb
db = MySQLdb.connect("xx.xxx.x.xxx", "username", "password", "database", port)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT VERSION()")
data = cursor.fetchone()
print "Database version: %s" % data
What was wrong? I googled it furiously and everything seemed fine.
When I was going to look at our domain hoster for help, I found out that I need to make an SSH-tunnel before making SQL-commands.
That's probably what I will look at tomorrow.
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