tisdag 29 november 2016

Sensors, what deserves to join IoT (internet of things)

Today I looked at different sensors to get ideas of what you can connect to the internet.

I just looked through some sensors on https://www.elfa.se/en/automation/sensors/c/cat-L2D_379612

It's a new world for me, I think this is opening my world of what is possible. Before I could do anything on the screen, in VR or sound from a computer by programming. Now I can enter the real world and make robots to conquer the world.

I think it's very interesting with sensors, I think about the biological sensors we have in our bodies and how intelligence is used to process the input into interesting actions.

 Maybe in the future I can help build some kind of all-purpose cell-thing. It's like a human cell with DNA that tells it everything about how society is run. And with small parts it can take on the task of beeing some kind of fireman-cell-robot or a cleaning-cell-robot.

It would probably be more usefull if it could go on wheels and legs. With a 3D printer and moving parts that can move the 3D printed parts (like a new arm-part). It should also be able to recycle parts like the arm, to 3D print a IR-sensor or whatever it needs.

Like a human cell, be able to become anything in it's DNA. Anything that could be needed. And connected wirelessly to all of the other cell-robots. What could go wrong?

Tomorrow I'll focus on looking for more sensors and find problems that could be solved by connecting sensors to the internet.

And who needs it?

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