Today I worked on getting an SMS from a site when it notices that the raspberry pi hasn't uploaded data to a database at the expected time.
I also fixed the email, but not wil really logging into Bineros account (i think), but just usting a few lines from here. So extremely simple.
So now, if the r-pi now lose connection, in five minutes I will get an SMS and Email telling me it got offline. I'm turning it on now before I go home for today and I expect the SSH-tunnel to break in 12 hours, so in the middle of the night I will get an SMS. (I allways put my phone on silent during the night, so I can sleep).
Feels kinda good, tomorrow I'll try fixing the autossh so that the tunnel goes on and make the r-pi start everything up when it's started. After that I'll focus on documentation for the rest of the LIA. I haven't got any mail from Binero about fixing an autossh-tunnel, have they forgotten me?
There is still much I haven't done and can be improved. I have learned sooo much. Especially about SMS, Email, PHP, Linux, r-pi and electronic.
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